How It Works
FREE 7 Days Trial to start your fitness journey with us
Gain access to over 300+ workouts by simply signing up for an account on WeBarre On Demand - its that easy! Select a subscription frequency (monthly, quarterly or yearly), key in your payment details to start the trial (don't worry you won't be charged till your trial ends) and you're ready to go! If you would like to cancel your subscription, simply do it before your trial ends.
Choosing your workout
There are hundreds of videos to choose from, and here's a little guidance on where to start! Search by our categories (type of workout, duration etc), or filters (equipment or no equipment, instructors) to find what you're in the mood for that day. For first-timers, we recommend that you start with our - Intro to Beginners category to get familiarised with the technique, so you can get more out of all of your workouts!
Once you're ready to venture out, explore our full-body workouts, targeted workouts, stretch & mobility, mindfulness, cardio & pre/post-natal options to get all the benefits of exercising - like strengthening, sculpting, cardio and flexibility.
Only have a short break to squeeze in a quick workout? You can look under our 10 - 20mins or ~30mins categories. If you would like a longer workout, select a workout under the category, 40mins+. Lots of choices, so you'll never get bored!
New videos
We know you'd like to check out the latest workouts on the block, plus we like to keep things fresh too! We commit to release brand new workouts at least once a month, if not more. Just click on our category New This Month to check out the latest releases.
Featured Programmes
Need help to select your workout of the day? We've got a list of featured playlists for you to narrow down your priority! We have Our Favourite No Equipment Workouts, Just for Beginners, and Best of 2021 - all of our top trending workouts! We've even got a One Day Wellness Retreat for you, filmed at the W Singapore for that relaxing getaway, right from our living room. The choice is yours! We also have a special playlist just for pre & post-natal mommies - Beautiful Mama! There's something for everyone.
Equipment used
Common equipments used in our workouts are light dumbbells, pilates ball, resistance band, yoga block, a mat, and a chair. Fret not if you don't have the full works! Our workouts can be done without any of these equipment as well, or you can substitute some of the equipment with easy to find items at home:
Reset your password
On the login page, click Forgot Password, enter the email associated with your account, and click Send Instructions. The instruction email will arrive in your inbox shortly. In the instruction email, click Reset Password and you will be directed to select a new password before being redirected to the catalog page.
Change your password
Once signed into your account, you can change your password by clicking My Account or Dashboard from the top navigation menu. Select Password and update your password.
Update my billing information
Once signed into your account, you can update your billing information by clicking My Account or Dashboard from the top navigation menu. Select Billing and update your billing information.
Cancel my recurring subscription
Once signed into your account, you can cancel your recurring subscription by clicking My Account or Dashboard from the top navigation menu. Select Billing and locate your subscription plan at the bottom of the page. Click Change Plan and Cancel Membership. Your membership will be cancelled and your access will be removed at the end of your current payment period.